Failed to make the curve, struck a tree and caught fire.  Luckily one of our Firefighters was nearby and was able to pull the driver out of the burning vehicle to safety.  (Good Job Rebecca!) Driver was flown to the Trauma Center by Vanderbilt Lifeflight.  

Recent Calls

​(click on the images for a better view)

We recently took delivery of this 1999 Pierce 100' Aerial Quint Ladder Truck.  It comes as a welcome replacement for the 1986 Ladder Truck it is replacing.  This Truck has been completely refurbished and comes with a new pump certification, a new Emergency Vehicle Inspection Certification and a Ladder/Aerial Device Certification.  The improved capabilities  will proved better fire protection for everyone in our community. This truck is part of our continuing efforts to provide the best Fire Protection possible for our residents.  ​All at a fraction of the cost of a brand new truck.    A Special Note of Thanks to Glenn Usdin and all his team at Command Fire Apparatus in Landisville, PA for locating this truck and bringing it up to today's modern standards, and delivering it to us. All at a very attractive price. Thanks Guys! 

On May 1, 2017, Paris Landing Fire Department’s Insurance Services Organization Public Fire Protection old rating of 9/10 improved to our

New Rating of 7/10.

We were recently reevaluated and we are excited to announce that our rating has improved even more! 

Effective March 1, 2023, our New Rating will be 6/10. 

What does this  mean for you as a property owner? 
This means that any property located within 5 road miles of one of our 4 Stations will have the new insurance classification.  While properties located more than 5 miles from one of the Stations will remain unchanged.  If your property is within one of the 5 mile areas you could see a reduction in your insurance premiums. 

As much as 40% insurance premium reduction in many cases. 

If you are unsure about the distance you  can click on the Coverage Area tab at the top of this page to see a map of our area which shows the locations of our stations and hydrants. We have notified all insurance companies in Paris / Henry County of this change in our rating. If your insurance provider is not a local Agent, you may want to inform them of this change.   Documentation for your insurance company can be downloaded by clicking on this button::  


ISO's Public Protection Classification Program (PPC) plays an important role in the underwriting process at insurance companies. In fact, most U.S. insurers - including the largest ones - use PPC information as part of their decision- making when deciding what business to write, coverage's  to offer or prices to charge for personal or commercial property insurance.

Each insurance company independently determines the premiums it charges its policyholders. The way an insurer uses ISO's information on public fire protection may depend on several things -the company's fire-loss experience, rate making  methodology, underwriting guidelines, and its marketing strategy. 

For  more information about your own insurance premiums, please contact your insurance company.  Please do not call the Fire Dept. We have no control over how the insurance companies establish their rates.  


A word of Thanks to Supervisor Mr. Mike Rogers  of the Northeast Henry County Utility District for his help in providing the information about our water system to ISO enabling our hydrants to be recertified.  

Also a word of Thanks to Director Kattica Buckley of our Emergency Communications Dispatch Center for her help in providing the information about our Dispatch and Communications system to ISO for recertification. 

And last but certainly not least, a huge word of Thanks to Chief Hinson and all our Volunteers who spent countless hours of their own time testing our trucks certifying our equipment and driving countless miles in their own personal vehicles researching and obtaining the seemingly endless amounts of information required to accomplish this for our community.

 Remember they are all volunteers performing this in their spare time and do not receive any pay for what they do.  

When you see them out in our Community, stop and shake their hand and tell them Thank You!

New Ladder Truck Arrives July 23, 2023

One of the more unique challenges to our Department, are Boat and Marina Fires.  Boats are often difficult to reach and tend to burn quickly.

ISO Rating Improved Even More  March 1, 2023 !

Firefighters waiting to wash down the roadway at the scene of a vehicle rollover.  We work closely with all other Emergency Services Agencies to provide the best possible protection for our community.

Other Happenings around the Department

Lakewood School Water & Field Day was held May 9th, 2018.  The students participated in learning healthy activity habits.  As part of the fun, they got to be hosed down by our firefighters when they got hot.  According to their teachers that was the highlight of the day and we were happy to oblige!

It takes a Special Person to volunteer at 3 AM to help someone you don't know

On Saturday April 13th,  multiple agencies came together at Paris Landing State Park Marina to train on Boat and Marina Fires and how to extricate victims trapped inside a burning boat.  A total of 8 agencies with 40 personnel participated in the exercise that included classroom training as well as hands on training.   

Agencies that participated included: 

Paris Landing State Park
Paris Landing Fire Dept
Puryear Fire Dept.
Paris Henry County Rescue Squad
Springville Fire Dept
Calloway County Fire Rescue
Stewart County Fire Rescue
One Firefighter traveled from Hornbeak Fire Dept to participate 

​Paris Landing Fire Dept would like to express our appreciation to all agencies involved and a special word of thanks to Kristi Everitts and her staff at Pars Landing Marina for their help in making this exercise possible.

A Tobacco Barn Fire in a remote location.  Calloway County Fire Rescue provided additional water for us.  We all respond outside of our areas when needed to help each other out.  It's called Mutual Aid

Ever dropped or forgotten about a burning cigarette?  Here's what can happen!

Recent MVA with the driver trapped in the vehicle.  Driver extricated and flown from the scene by AirEvac Helicopter

Joint Training Exercise

April 13, 2024

Paris Landing State Park Marina

Fire Department News and Recent Incidents

Engine / Tanker 04